Exposure Trip


PRIYA class 6 That day when our school was gifted bicycles by TI cycles I was very happy that our school was going to get three cycles. I can’t believe how the company gifted us three cycles. I got amazed after I also got amazed after knowing that the company produces 25 lack bicycles per annum. SNEHA class 6 On our visit to crocodile Bank their representatives and staff members Taught us the ways to handle snakes crocodiles and other reptiles.

We all got a chance to touch those reptiles and Mohit sir added some humour because he was get afraid to touch those reptiles.

SURAJ class 6

Chennai visit was very learnable for me. It became memorable for me after visiting MahabaliPuram and specially after visiting this place which is called Krishna’s as butterball. I was amazed to witness the science which is holding the huge rock on an angle of 45°. I took a photograph with it and free of t friends tried to push the rock with the aim of moving it from its place but we were unsuccessful.

YOGESH class 6

from all the places we visited in Chennai, I happened to like Shore temple the most. The fact that it was carved out of one rock itself makes it very special. The sculpture had carvings on its walls and a pond on its front. It is said to be made Pallava’s king Narshimavarman.

SUHANI class 7

This photo is from TI cycle factory. we were very happy that we received four cycles for our school as a gift. we all were very excited to see them and wanted to ride them as soon as possible.

MOHIT class 6

On our second day in Chennai my dream of seeing ocean was fulfilled. I can still feel the enthusiasm and excitement when I got to know that today we were going to the beach. Until now I always read that ocean water is salty but today I tasted it as well. We all were very happy after visiting the beach.

SAHIL class 7

This photo is from the day when we when we visited crocodile Bank. that day my friend and I we’re really excited. by coincidence it was world’s wet land day as well. my first imagination of crocodile was that they are very frightening but after knowing about crocodiles and snakes I realized that it is important to respect all the creatures which the mother earth has created. Hence all the creatures are important for us.

AYUSH class 8

This photo reminds me of Mahabalipuram. It looks like people are surprised after knowing that so many sculptures are carved out on a single rock where it shows a whole story. Priyanshu seems to be in a wonderland and everyone looks like totally frozen with the cold. this photo makes me laugh aloud.


We visited the shore temple and then we went to see a huge rock which is known as Krishna’s as butterball. It is based on a slanted rock and the fact that it has not fallen from many centuries is it self amazing and to me it looks like it may fall anytime but it has been there from quite a long time. For kids it has become a place of enjoyment as they keep on sliding under the rock.


on our final days in Chennai we visited the TI cycles factory. The photo is from their cycle store. Everyone was checking out how these cycles are different from those that they have back home. I saw geared and exercising bicycles for the first time. they were really beautiful looking bikes.

PRAKASH class 8

we went to Mahabslipuram. I was feeling tired that’s why we relaxed under the butterball (rock)for a moment. I felt great after that.

KRITIKA class 8

By coincidence it was World’s Wetland Day when we visited the Crocodile Bank. The photograph here shows how the creator has made everything in a perfect balance. If we (plants, animals and human beings) all live in harmony and take care of everything, the earth would be a great place for living. If any harm is caused to this balance then it can life threatening for all the living creatures.



This was my first educational trip I really enjoyed it my favourite place was Pondicherry we went to a school called Satya special school where we met many special children who could not hear, walk or speak. the teachers cared for children very much. seeing those children I felt very emotional.

another place I liked in Chennai was the ocean. the people of Chennai were enjoying the ocean. seeing the waves of the ocean I felt very good. the view of the ocean was a different experience for me. I enjoyed a lot.


This was my first trip, therefore everything was new for me. The trip became a memorable one for me from its very beginning because I got a chance to travel in the train and in an airplane for the first time in my life. I was really scared to travel in the plane but it went very good to my expectations. In Chennai, I liked everything from hotel to all the places we visited. The first day visit made to the zoo to the last day visit made to Dakshin Chitra, every day has some special memories for me. I was lucky enough that in this trip itself, I could also see the ocean for the first time in my life. The most fabulous place was Satya special school as it catered unique children who could not speak, walk or hear.

I would like to thank Sridhar sir because of whom I saw all these new places.


This was my fourth trip which was both very good and very active. Like every year this year’s educational trip was not less in any senses. I learnt and experienced many new things throughout our time in Chennai. Even though these are educational exposure trips for children, teacher also have opportunity to become students again. We visited many places here such as the zoo, crocodile Bank, Mahabalipuram, Ti cycle factory, Butter ball, and Satya special school. In all these places there was a lot to learn, but especially in crocodile Bank where we learned about all types of crocodiles there was a wonderful guide who shared information with us. The zoo team held a special session for us where we could touch and feel the reptiles. The best was when she brought out the snake, tortoise and crocodile babies and let us touch them. This experience challenged my hypothesis about these reptiles. I felt we should really care for all beings. After that she showed us an important poster depicting the balance of life in nature. This poster taught us how important it is for all creatures large or small, to protect and respect each other . All creatures are dependent on each other for survival . Another place I really liked was Pondicherry .Here, we visited Satya Special School for differently abled. I felt blessed after seeing these children. My eyes welled up with tears and I couldn’t stop form crying seeing the children I really wanted to stay with them. Thank all of you who made this trip possible!

Shanti didi

For six years we have been going on these educational trips. Every year there are always new things to learn and new experiences. This trip was very unique and different. The Madrasi culture wars very different and traditional like their food, clothing, language, etc. The woman wore flower Garland in their hair. I liked it very much. It seemed as if modern culture didn’t touch them.

We visited many places among them were TI cycles, Mahabalipuram, Satya Special School, Bay of Bengal, etc. I liked all the places very much. When we visited TI cycle the staff was very warm and welcoming. I am thankful for their hospitality. We saw the process of making cycles in a big factory. So many times I have taught my students about Bay of Bengal looking at the map but I had never even dreamed that I would one day touch that very water. Because we live in a remote and rural area, sometimes we are remain away from different innovations of the society. These trips open our eyes, for example when we visited such Satya special school and saw children with so many different physical and mental problems, I realized that we should be happy with what we have, we can talk, walk and do so many things that these children were devoid from. Visiting the school made me feel very grateful. We should appreciate what we have.

For these experiences I will always be grateful to Sridar sir, thank you.


It was my first educational trip to Chennai. I was very happy that we are going so far. I was thinking how will my airplane travel be because I was travelling in a plane for the first time. I was afraid but after some time I started to like it. It seemed like our plane was splitting the clouds apart to meet the sky.

When we reach Chennai food and accommodations were well taken care off. Over the next few days we went to visit the famous place of Chennai such as MahabaliPuram, TI cycle factory, crocodile Bank, Satya special school and the Bay of Bengal. The places I like the most were the beach and Satya Special school.

The beach was special to me because I saw it for the first time and Satya special school because it was very inspiring and different from other schools. The school had children from all the age groups who were suffering from various disabilities but, they all look very happy. These children were taught through various innovative methods. I learned from these children that no matter what ever weakness we may have, we should not be depressed.

Thank you all those who supported and made this trip possible I will never forget it. Thank you very much Sridar Sir for giving us this opportunity.


Just like every year this year we went on an exciting trip which was amazing. My experience of the ocean was unforgettable. Holding hands we were challenging the strong waves. The waves were pushing us down but we held our hands so tight that even the biggest wave could not break our grips and we became each other support. I learned from this experience that if we work together to faced difficulties nothing bad can happen to us. Another amazing thing I saw in Chennai was Mahabalipuram’s stone carvings and Arjuna’s Penance. This was truly a unique place. This year’s trip was very special.

On one of the days in Chennai, we visited a bicycle factory known as TI cycles limited. We went through the assembly line of the factory and I had a closer look on how bicycles are being manufactured. After talking to the workers in the factory, I realized that the things that we get easily from the market like bicycle requires hard labour of thousands of people. we also visited a zoo and a crocodile bank where I realized that that animals are a valuable part of our social family and we must treat them with respect. At the crocodile bank and they were trying to save different species of crocodile which were at the verge of extinction. This was a heartwarming experience for me.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those friends who have made this trip possible. I would like to thank Sridhar sir with the deepest of my heart for making this trip a reality.

Suman Didi

I have been to many exposure trips with APV school. Through these exposure trips we have explored many famous places in India. In last seven years we have explored cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Amritsar and Chennai. Across these cities we visited museums, industries, urban set up, historical monuments, architecture and handcraft. I observed that all the cities had different lifestyle, language, culture, tradition, food and different social scenario. Living in a village I always fantasied to visiting these places but through these exposure trips I was able to touch the sea, ocean and had a first time experience of travelling through air plane.

Chennai visit was learnable for me. We had a chance of visiting most of the famous places in Chennai. In the initial few days we visited Zoo, Crocodile bank and Mahabalipuram. In Mahabalipuram, We saw a 1200 years old rock which is said to be defying all the gravitational laws. The huge rock is called as Krishna’s butterball. The rock stands firmly at an unbelievable angle of 45° and is said to be placed here by lord Krishna. Mahabalipuram is also famous for it stone carving. The Shore temple at the coromandel coast is carved out of one single rock.

On one of the days, we visited leading cycle manufacturing company known as TI Cycles limited. After carefully observing all the cycle manufacturing stages, I realised that cycle manufacturing is also an art. It involves Research and Development, designing, painting, etc. The company gifted our school 4 bi-cycle as well. We also went to the famous Marina Beach. One can sit on the beach forgetting all hustle and bustle of life and enjoy the rising waves. I felt very relaxed at the beach. On the trip we also explored mediators hub known as Puducherry. This peaceful location is a must visit for all the mediators. Auroville is a quiet and a calm vicinity soaked in the waves of divinity. Matrimandir is the main attraction point of Auroville community. In Puducherry we also visited a very special school. The Satya Special School is a unique institute which motivates us to challenge the odds of life. The school is for children with special needs. I understood that problems of our life are mostly overrated. But Satya Special School made me very emotional. I was inspired by the smile on the faces of these children. I have deep respect and gratitude for all the people engaged in this moment who believe in humanity and believe that their job is no less than an Army personnel.

On our concluding days we visited Dakshin Chitra, a place were you can see while south India in a glance. It is a hub of rich art and craft, community living, and traditional housing modles found in South India. The whole place gives a quick highlight of South India. In my final remarks, I would like to thank Sridar sir, his team and friends who have given their contribution in making it possible.

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